Rare Horses by eLIZABETH HAWKS

Marwari horse is a rare horse breed along with Suffolk Punch, Black Forest Horse, American Cream Draft, and the Canadian horse this is only a few of the rare horses in the world.

Marwari horse

The Marwari horse it is found in the Marwari region of India it is a descendant of native Indian ponies crossed with Arabian horses the Marwari is known for its hardiness and up turned ears. This beautiful horse is rare because of strict exporting guidelines.

Suffolk Punch Horse

The Suffolk is one of the oldest in existence with records dating back to 1880. This horse is known to be large and uniform in color and type. The horses frames are supported by clean, dense bone. This horse is found in eastern England. And these horses can be worth more than $10,000.

Black Forest Horse

The Black Forest Horse is from Germany and developed in 1896. Also this horses height is about 15.7 hands and weighs about 1,000 pounds. The Noriker and Breton horse were used in the original development of the Black Forest Horse. While these two different breeds are a part of the Black Forest Horse. The Black Forest Horse can be traced back at least 600 years in Germany

American Cream Draft

The American Cream Draft Horse is developed in the United States . The Cream Draft is the only draft horse produced in the U.S. It is unique in the heavy breeds because of the cream coloring the color is absent from almost all draft horses. And in 1994, the organization officially changed its name to the American Cream Draft Horse

The Canadian horse is a horse breed from Canada. It is a strong, well-muscled breed of horse, usually dark in color. The horses are generally used for riding and driving.

The Canadian horse is a horse breed from Canada. It is a strong, well-muscled breed of horse they are normally dark in color. These horses are usually used for riding and driving in a carriage.

Friesian Appaloosa Crossbreed

Friesian Crosses can be any color, type, or size. These horses tend to maintain some of the characteristics of the Friesian such as the temperament and long manes and often it carries some of the flashier movement of the Friesian. These horses are popular for a variety of uses, including dressage, evening, and driving.


Created with images by jimmiehomeschoolmom - "horses" • BOMBMAN - "Marwari Horse" • Harlequeen - "Suffolk Punch" • AnetaB - "horse working in the forest concentration" • Just chaos - "American Cream Draft Horse" • tslane888 - "ACS Plowing 2016" • Bhakti2 - "horse appaloosa farm"

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