Creative Photography Portfolio Victoria hetlage

First Photography : My favorite photograph from he beginning of this class is the photo of the keyboard. I really like this photograph because it allows you to see an ordinary object in a way that you normally wouldn't view it.
Edited in snapped : This is my favorite photograph that I edited in snapped. I really like this picture because once I edited it the photo looked a lot more lively than it originally had. I look this photo at Highlands Hammock State Park in Lake Placid Florida over Thanksgiving a Break.
Edited in snapped : (the photo would not mov to the location that I would like it : you told me that no points would be deducted)
Photographer of my choice : I took this photo with my sisters camera one weekend after we went out to dinner. I felt that this photo felt described the photographer I chose (my sister) because she often takes photographs outdoors and of the sky.
Black and White Photography : I equally enjoy all of my black and white photography. I don't have a favorite because all of these photographs were taken at different times and submitted for different assignments. The sunflower was taken from our flower photography, the picture of the waves was taken in lake placid, and the picture of the eye was taken here at school.
Still life photography : Amongst all of the still life photography that I took these are my absolute favorite. If I had to choose I would say that I like the photo with the yellow sunflower and the black background the best because the dark background really allows the sunflowers colors to pop.
People photography : I don't usually enjoy taking photographs of people but I do like these 3 images that I have taken this semester. Each image is of different people and taken in different lo tons which makes each of them unique in their own way.
Creative photography : these are a few of my favorite photographs overall from this course. As you can see, I really enjoy taking photographs out doors and of objects or things that have a lot of color.
Absolute Favorite : This photo of a cactus is my absolute favorite. I really like this photo because it's different than anything else that I have taken during this class. To take this picture I used my sisters camera. I like how it turned out because of the near far composition.

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