ECH Newsletter January 2017

All classroom observations have been completed and we are very proud of what is going on in our ECH program. We feel grateful to have a team that works well, is open to learning, and takes constructive feedback! WAY TO GO!!!


Thursday January 26th is IMAGINATION DAY and half day for PD Development. Please email your classroom parents to remind them to support their children on dressing up using their imagination and creativity. Also remind them of the dismissal time which will be 12:25 for buses and 12:30 for all students.

Class Lists Committee

Committees will begin next week following the schedule below. Also click on the link for guidelines and procedures to allow the meeting to flow accordingly it´s been set up.

  • Tuesday January 31st- PLAYGROUP at 1:30pm
  • Wednesday February 1st- KINDER at 1:30pm
  • Thursday February 2nd- PREK at 1:30pm

For the first time we will be hosting an ART EXHIBITION as part of valuing our students effort and development across all areas. The exhibition will begin on February 6th and will remain until the end of the school year so Parents can see it during dismissal, pick up, and parent conferences. I want to thank Andrea Lozano our Art teacher for having the initiative of planning and thinking of different ways to demonstrate how artistic our students are.


  • On Friday February 3rd all teachers are responsible for setting up their students art work on their bulletin boards outside the classroom after students are dismissed. (Only kinder is allowed to start when they are having lunch).
  • The school will provide the tape needed to put up the art work.
  • Andrea L. will provide a brief description of the techniques used for each class that will also be posted next to their work.


On the week of February 6th to the 10th a photographer will be taking individual and group pictures. Below you will find the schedule for each class and I need you to make a list in the order in which students will be taking the picture. This should also be announced to you classroom parents so on that day you do not have students missing.

If you have any questions please let me know and hope you have a great week!


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