"The Rock Pro Wrestler Rocky Maivia" by Michael Bugan Nov./Dec. 2016 AR Biography/Autobiography Activity

The Rock made fun of other wrestlers and the fans. He called them "jabronis." (p. 33)

The usage of "jabroni" is that another wrestler is thought of useless or a stupid person.

Rocky wrestled in the USWA for a few months in 1996.

In the sentence, "USWA" means the United States Wrestling of America.

Rocky has won the WWF World Championship a number of times. (p. 6)

The word "WWF" means World Wrestling Federation.

The WWF champion belt

He called this expression "the people's eyebrow". Rocky once again became a babyface. But this time, the fans cheered for him. (p. 33)

The way "babyface" was used in the texts means "A heroic or a "good guy" wrestler, booked by the promotion with the aim of being cheered by fans."

When the Rock was in college he took a class for criminology. He didn't really like it. He really wanted to play football. (p. 44)

The use of criminology in this sentence means The scientific study of crime and criminals.

The Rock was intercontinental forsome of his tours and his wrestling tournaments. He was ok with having to do that. (p. 36)

The meaning of the used word is going between two contenients.

The Rock had to go to different colonies while he was wrestling. (p. 24-25)

The word colonies in this sentence means A group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country.

Dwayne johnson also in his earlier years wrestled in the NWA. He liked wrestling and football a lot. He was mad when hurt his shoulder in football one time.

The word NWA in this sentence means The National Wrestling Alliance.




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