My Not So Perfect Snow Day By humbulani

One day at school...

Mr.Cox was teaching. OK class today were going to learn about math. Math again said Cade all right. OK class what is 2+2 eq- BOOM!!!!!!!!! What was that I said and why is it dark??!! Mr.cox looked out the window. The window is blocked said mr.Cox WERE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!! Said Jameson be quiet said cooper your being annoying!!!

I don't know what we're gonna do.I said.How will we survive? I don't know said Cooper but I'm gonna scare Leo. Why did we come to school!!!The snow started to rise. Come on said Leandro. Let's go outside. No send Mr. Mills we can go outside it's too snowy. It's very chilly send Mr. Cox everyone put on your coats now. Five hours later it was really bad we had to stay in for tonight it was really boring I want to go to sleep I had a good dream I imagine that it was Spring and all the snow was gone.

There was no more snow I was really happy it was not a dream anyways it was actually real so I guess this is



Created with images by LoggaWiggler - "kermit frog fun" • LoggaWiggler - "kermit frog fun" • Unsplash - "lightning thunderbolt thunderstorm" • webandi - "candle light candlelight" • matt with - "Another snowstorm 2010" • HansLinde - "tulips bouquet spring greetings"

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