
St. Stephen's Cathedral (more commonly known by its German title: Stephansdom) is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna
As part of its historic cultural heritage of being a multinational state for centuries (Austrian Empire, later Austria-Hungary), modern Austria is not entirely homogenously German-speaking, but has within its borders, albeit small, autochthonous minorities of different native tongue: Hungarian is the most widely spoken ...
Austrian occupations include chemical and vehicles; electrical and electronics; food; machine and steel; wood and paper.
The most popular meats in Austria are beef, pork, chicken, turkey and goose. The prominent Wiener Schnitzel is traditionally made of veal. Pork in particular is used extensively, with many dishes using offal and parts such as the snout and trotters.
this is the way the Austrians dress
AFL Australian Rules Football 2 Cricket Horse Racing 3 Football Rugby League 4 NRL
A typical Austrian home
This is the Austrian Flag
This is the Austrian hightland


Created with images by tpsdave - "austria landscape scenic" • Krzysztof Duda - "Museum of Silesia - one of the buildings awaiting the second stage of the project."

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