Human Impact & Erosion by Water Amanda Larson

Claim: One of the most natural causes of erosion is rainfall. The splashing affects causes soil to lose particles and shift into new and unknown places. When the eroded area dries up it forms gullies and large cracks in the surface.

When the rural area dries up it can be damaging to rural areas and farming properties.

Rationale:These activities cause this negative impact because soil is transferred to other unknown places, and eroded ares become dry and form cracks in the ground causing it to be dangerous.

Solution: People can minimize water pollution and also containing spills from cars from becoming harmful pollutants. Another way to help is to capture and dispose of floating pollution in waterway. Keeping water ways clean is a major aspect as well.


Created with images by Unsplash - "coast shore cliffs" • Unsplash - "coastline ocean sea"

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