
Working towards WOVEN in Kirklees HIllstone fibre arts and Taylor and lodge

We are excited to let you know of a project we are doing with one of our local mills. Taylor and Lodge are producers of finest quality suiting here in Huddersfield, with orders ranging from London designers to around the globe. Did you know that James Bond’s suit in Quantum of Solace was made with Taylor and Lodge fabric?

Although the textile industry is a changing one, Huddersfield remains famous for its quality wool and is now a centre of textiles innovation.

This year, we are partnering with Taylor and Lodge and using some of their beautiful fabrics to create textile artwork for the WOVEN in Kirklees festival. With the pandemic changing everything, we have had to modify plans so here is a little about the beginning of things...

Photo curtesy of Taylor and Lodge

Following a proposal earlier in the year to partner with the mill, a visit was arranged to see the mill and see their fabrics. Photos were taken of the various rooms and working areas and a voiced-over video of them was sent out to the group so everyone could have access to information about the mill.

One of the old sample books
Display in the board room
Pattern loom

Upstairs are the pattern rooms:

Some of the newer pattern machinery

The older Jaquard looms were particularly interesting...

Each machine takes six to eight shuttles

Pattern chains are produced that become the instructions for the machine. Chains not in use are rolled and stored.

Chain on the Jaquard loom

The edges of the weaving panels were rather nice!

An old spinning wheel in the corner of the room

We went through the cutting room into the mending room. The staff, like so many others, were on furlough so it was rather poignant.

Lovey edge from the end of length

Downstairs was the huge weaving area with the full length looms and other inspiration...

The group have been gifted a wonderful collection of textiles to work with: we have threads, swatches, offcuts, larger pieces of suiting, some bobbins and Jaquard cards.

The group has decided to each take an empty sample folder to create a set of smaller woven textile art works. In addition, each member will make a larger piece of work which will be taken back to the mill to be professionally photographed in situ.

We continue to meet virtually and have been creating some ‘workboxes’ over the summer months which you can also see by visiting our Hillstone Fibre Arts FaceBook page @hillstonewestyorks.