Buxlow Newsletter Week 5

This week we enjoyed a presentation by Year 3 and were happy that our School Council met to further discuss ideas regarding use of the playground. On Wednesday we got out our ropes and Jumpathon was off and running, with some wonderful performances by classes and two especially noteworthy individual performances from Lilia (Y4) and Diganta (Y5). Bravo!

As you know, hot lunches were called to an unexpected conclusion on Friday. I am pleased to let you know that we have reached an agreement with another supplier, The Yum Yum Food Company, and that the service will recommence to the same specification (veg/non veg, all halal, allergy aware) for those 37 children involved in the phase two trial for the final week of this half term. http://www.yumyumfoodcompany.com/

Here's looking forward to an exciting final week of this half term. We are holding Internet Safety talks for children over the course of this Internet Safety Week and Year 5 will be looking forward to their final fun swim session on Thursday. Academic Reports will be distributed on Friday 10 February. Parents and Carers are encouraged to book a Parent Teacher Meeting with your child's class teacher should you not yet have had the opportunity to do so. These take place on the first Wednesday back from half term in the evening, between 3.40 and 6.00.

The highlight of my week was a bag of mail from through the post comprising letters, in perfectly addressed envelopes, from Reception- a great surprise and very well-written letters! Thank you Reception!

Nursery have been learning about shapes in group work sessions, as well as practising name writing using dotted lines.

During Dancing Club this week, we had fun dancing with our favourite song ‘I am a Gummy Bear’ and enjoyed all the moves!

Reception have been reading ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and we even made our own shoes out of Fimo. We went to the post box and posted letters to Mr Furse asking him permission to go on a trip. Do you think he will let us go? In our lessons we are learning to understand our world, so this week Miss Martin taught us all about Panda Bears. Are Panda Bears really bears?

Quote: Miss Martin: "What is your favourite activity at school?"

Abhinav: "I like to do my spelling test!"


For the past couple of weeks in literacy, we have been looking at information books and have been researching animal books to find out and gather information. We learnt the relevance of using question marks and made ou rown fabulous animal books. We have also been introduced to verbs, recognising them as action words and using them carefully in our sentences. I wonder how many action words we can find over the weekend!

Star of the week: Emma

Guess who had their birthday last week!

Year 1 have had our second week of exploring different colours and have revisited primary and secondary colours. We looked at different shades of colours to discover how many tones we could make by adding a lighter or darker hue.

Quote: These colours are awesome!

We have had great fun exploring different vehicles in Design and Technology.

We have made our own design and started on the production line.

Wheels have to be added to the chassis.

We are looking forward to seeing how it looks when we paint them next lesson!

Star of the week: Demetri

We have been busy in Year 3 preparing for our Assembly, held last Friday! As always we are making sure we read each and every day and Mrs Killeen is always keen to hear what we think about our books,

We enjoyed letting everyone know about the United Kingdom at our Assembly.

We have been practising new skills in Year 4 this week. The first of these skills was building on our knowledge of co-ordinates by using them to describe movement and the direction of movement of shapes on a grid. This progressed towards ‘translation’, which involves shapes sliding across a grid without turning or changing size or shape. The second skill was considering the needs and wants of our audience to make advertising persuasive, by creating an advert for a ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ style festival. Describing events as ‘brilliant’ or ‘really entertaining’ is not enough – how do we ensure the audience gets what it wants in the first place?

STARS OF THE WEEK: Ashab and Sia. QUOTE: “I think that’s a really nice poem because it includes everyone and not just her best friends!” – Sumeet on Maya-Louise’s Buxlow poem.

This week Year 5 focussed on using a protractor to measure angles in Maths. We had clearly forgotten how to use them accurately and began by placing the protractor in all sorts of orientations! Finally we managed to correct this and can now measure and identify different types of angles.

We have been working on creating fabulous Solar System posters for our presentations in Science. Test us on the order of planets!

Our daily mental maths speed tests focus on multiplication and related facts. We are getting very competitive with the timing... it is all about accuracy and automaticity!

Student of the week - Shankar

Extending vocabulary through the use of a dictionary, thesaurus and the careful selection of literary novels continues to be a strong focus. Treasure Island and A Christmas Carol are amongst our favourites.

More comprehensions and compositions, but we also enjoyed getting back into shape for the sponsored skip- Jumpathon. We hope to take part in similar sporting activities later in the year. Justine: "My legs were throbbing!"

Here we are still hard at work in the classroom, but we are also having fun in the Red House at Speech and Drama! A productive time playing "fruit tennis" this Friday- was much appreciated recently... forming word associations and discounting non-associations.

This week, we analysed John Masefield's poem "Sea Fever" and focused on the poet's use of language. Children effectively demonstrated their grasp of a wide range of literary devices and reflected on longings and wishes of their own.

School Council deliberations on use of the playground.

The end of another busy week... off home to finish homework and prepare for Week 6!


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