Pole Vault Skill Pop up drill by claire lowney

Cognitive skill- thinking about how far back on the runway to begin running so that your steps work.
Perceptual skill- using input from your eyes to adjust your grip for the drill based off of height
Motor skills- gross= bringing your hips up using abs, fine= gripping fingers around the pole
A pop up is a serial skill because the run transitions into the plant and then into the pop up. (Sequence)
Can be external, like when the wind blows in or against your favor.
Pole vault is coactive because you compete against others with no contact
Perceptual Motor skill- using your eyes to see where the box is to decide where to plant the pole without missing


Created with images by pwjamro - "Pole Vault" • Meli1670 - "hummel pole vault blade of grass" • SD Dirk - "Triton Invitational 2012 028 Kelsy Hintz SDSU Pole Vault" • mrpbps - "Pole Vault MCG" • jay galvin - "Panamerican Olympics Mural" • jaceyOphotos - "fire in the sky at Roseville, CA" • jaceyOphotos - "Coach Kent's Pole Vault Crew 2013" • Steven Pisano - "Indoor Track and Field - Bishop Loughlin Games"

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