Eclipsed By j.w. Turrentine

In this slideshow you will find out the locations of three major celestial bodies during eclipses, and find out the difference between Solar and Lunar eclipses. You will also learn the differece between a full lunar & solar eclipse or a partial eclipse.

A solar eclipse is where Earth, the Moon, & the Sun all line up in a straight line. The moon is in between the big blue marble, we call home and the bright Sun. This alignment causes us to only see the Moon because it is 91,341,565 miles closer than the Sun. A full solar eclipse is when you are in the umbra of the eclipse and can only see the corona of the Sun. A partial eclipse is when you are in the penumbra of the eclipse and only part of the sun is covered up.

A lunar eclipse is where the Sun, the Moon, & Earth line up, except now the Moon, and Earth switched places. The moon is now in earth's place and the moon has a orangish tint. A full lunar eclipse is when the Moon is completely orange . "You can credit Earth's atmosphere with providing an orangish color to the moon during an eclipse. The atmosphere acts like a filtered lens. It bends red sunlight into our planet's shadow and scatters out blue light. It's the same reason why sunrises and sunsets appear reddish."- Astronomy Magazine. A partial eclipse is when you are in the penumbra of the eclipse and only part of the moon is orange.

I hope you have enjoyed my slide show on eclipses and you were able to learn from it.

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