The Black Death The Horable chapter

The Black Death is a deadly plague/disease and it swept through Europe from 1347- 1351;also known as the Bubonic Plague. Also It arrived in Europe through trade ships and killed more than 20 million people, 25% -50% of europe was dead and it was 1/3 of the continents population. The 14th century was wh n the plague spread rapidly across Europe and destroyed a very very large amount of the population. The Black Death changed life for everyone and it was widespread epidemic of the bubonic plague. Also the Black Death is an disease which spread quickly and widely affecting many individuals at one time.

People need to avoid the Black Death.

How did the disease spread? It spread through the air and the infected rats and fleas. The passing of the disease from one to another by contact with the people that have the Black Death disease. These are the symptoms to the Black Death. The symptoms are fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, aches and pains ,and sometimes death.

Where it traveled.

Are there cures to the plague? The doctors used techniques like bloodletting, boilbauncing and superstitious like burning herbs. Or bathing in rose water and vinegar. Some of the people thought the Black Death was a punishment from god.They would punish themselves to say sorry. Even though it hurt them they wanted to say sorry for what ever they did.

This is what happens.

The effects of the plague. The plague epidemic went away after three years. But reappeared few generations for centuries. The modern sanitation and public health have changed how this diseases spread but not eliminated. Many people died there and a serious labor shortage over Europe also workers demand higher wages.

Don't get the Black Death.

The Landlords refused to pay them. The peasants left the manors and went to many cities for employment. The disease hurt the church and they didn't understand why there prayers where not being answered. So they thought if we run away it will go away but they were wrong. The Black Death just followed them and spread even more so know more people will get the Black Death.

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