Photoshop layer styles are a popular way to add an effect to an image, for example adding a drop shadow, to layers in a non-destructive way. With the right knowledge and experience, any effect can be achieved.

A pattern overlay is used to add a pattern to a particular layer. Using Pattern Overlay in conjunction with other effects can help you create different styles, with depth.

1. Getting Started

Open the image you want to edit in.jpg format - Then create new Layer.
Select "New Fill Layer" and select "Pattern".

2. Put a Pattern on it.

This is the window that will pop up once you have selected 'Pattern'
Through this option you can select the colour and mode you want to use.
This is the effect that will be layer over your image. which looks a bit odd because it looks like a totally different image.
This is when you change the opacity of this layer to make the effect blend nicely with the background image.
So this the fished image with the pattern layered over the top. This has given the final photo some texture and a more rustic feel to the image.




Created with images by Nebenbei - "background texture structure"

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