A Collection of Poems and Thoughts on Love Tripp Fontane

A Collection of Writings on Love

Part 1: In War

Sticky Note 2: Harmony in Haiku

Love's prerequisite:

Cultivate it from within

Then you receive it

Divinity in Practice

I'm inclined to believe that the most righteous act in all humanity is love





It is the common thread amongst that which we consider celestial

Tying us to the tail ends of shooting stars

One could only hope to coruscate with such brilliance in the dark

Or sunshine

Love shine like sun god

You be child of God

You be light

You be warmth

You be recharging

You be life

Blind them with your truth

Reveal to them the way even when they claim to be headed in the right direction

Let your spirit sing holy through its vessel

Be divine

Be love

Free Write ((10/05/16)

As of late, I've found it increasingly difficult to write from any space outside of love and accountability, be it of self or others. I'm sure this is because of changes that I've been trying to make in my day-to-day life. Having also found myself lacking in both areas and reliant on the external to fill the void, I realized that I was my problem. In the like, I was, I am, and I will be my solution. I don't remember exactly where the pursuit started. I just know it was in between lines just like these. I remember carefully scrubbing ink over every empty space until I found them. Self-love and self-accountability. Once I tasted them I was hooked. I studied them. I studied until I knew them as having been sourced from within rather than objects to be attained. I studied until I knew them well enough to teach. And I taught myself some more. I learned that love and accountability are the bases on which all things should hope to build a foundation. With feet planted firmly in both, one could manifest nothing short of greatness. Ascension, so to speak. I know the above to be completely true in my own life as well as the lives of others. I do believe it’s this truth that motivates me. It drives me to share my failures and successes along this long road to what I could only hope is righteousness. Happiness. Peace. Regardless… I’m now too deeply rooted in love and accountability to move. And quite frankly, I’m comfortable here.

Heavy Handed

I've always had pretty big hands

They were decent on a basketball court, subpar on the football field, and great with a pen

But one thing these hands of mine always excelled in was holding grudges

They were the only feelings I managed to extricate from the ruins of my many broken relationships

I figured I might as well get some sort of consolation prize for not dying of too many attacks of the heart

They fit so well in my palms

They felt right


Each one was like hot water over frozen finger tips

It was always a shock you knew was coming

Always painful


Pain was a feelin

And that's all I wanted

All I wanted was to feel

To feel in charge

To feel in control of something other than how many tears I shed before I decided I was over it

I never got over it

Failing entirely to realize that the little piece of torment I chose to hold to would never allow me to move forward

Because contrary to popular belief

Grudges could never bind you to the individual

Only the pain you birthed with them

Each one its own boulder full of salt and resentment

They were heavy

I was strong

So I chained myself to another

And another

And another

Until I could barely move

Frankly, I didn't want to

I was determined to stay in that same spot until my transgressors made their way back to repent

They never did

Instead I stood exhausted and frozen in a lifetime of yesterday

I was unwilling to be moved

Causing an inability to reach the only thing that could set me free


Thank you so much for your time! I hope you enjoyed it. Peace, love, and light.
Created By
Tripp Fontane


Created with images by brenkee - "clouds green beautiful landscape" • SplitShire - "pier wooden lake" • Fort Meade - "Service members connect with martial arts" • pixel2013 - "rose culture rose floribunda"

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