Digital Imaging my biography


The citation for the picture below is:

Templeton, Aaron. Aaron Templeton. Digital image. Facebook. Aaron Templeton, 27 Aug. 2016. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. <>.

Sorry for the crap picture. It's sort of old, and I hardly go on Facebook.

1. My name is Aaron Templeton. I am a Integrated media major who transferred to Pacific University as a sophomore. I currently live on campus in the dorms. Like a lot of transfers, I am not from this state. I am originally from St Louis, Missouri. I moved to Oregon right after high-school graduation due to a change in my parent's jobs. It has been almost three years since that transition, but I am far more adept to Oregon than I was when I first moved here (especially the weather).

2. As for skills, I have a lot of experience with computers. In fact, I just completed a computer Science class and website design class last semester here at Pacific. I am also trying to master Spanish so I guess that goes for something. I'd love to minor in Spanish if I had the time, but a minor would prevent me from graduating on time. But as far as skills with a camera, I hope that includes an I-phone camera because that's all I currently have. I am not exactly a photographer but I can take a picture where it's not 100% blurry. For my writing, it isn't exactly Shakespeare material. However, you can understand the message I am getting across so that goes for some skill in writing. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for my "talent" in art. I haven't really had an art class since early high-school, and I didn't really enjoy it.

3. I completely agree with the fact about a task not having any value without a goal. After all, goals without planning are nothing but a faint wish. My goal for this class is hopefully to incorporate what I learn in this class to my major (hopefully the plethora of websites I create in the future). I do not expect this class to be a walk in the park, but I am at least going to give it my all.

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