Canada Vs. The World By: Avi Jheetey

Canadian Data Collection

Table 1.0
Table 2.0
Table 3.0
Table 4.0
These are some accurate and up to date Canadian statistics which will be referred to through out the analysis.

Article Summary

"How Canada is perceived around the world"

This article is in the perspective of 15 "Canadianists" (people who teach about Canada around the world) and each are representing the country they are from and how and what their students view Canada as. The countries and representatives are as follows;

  • Slovenia (Michelle Gadpaille)
  • The Netherlands (Irene Salverda)
  • Slovakia (Lucia Otrisalova)
  • United States (Earl Fry and Andrew Holman)
  • Israel (Danny Ben-Natan) ,
  • China (Lihua Yang and Wang Bing)
  • United Kingdom (Will Smith)
  • Poland (Ewa Urbaniak-Ribicka)
  • Venezuela (Emperatriz Arreaza),
  • India (Shilpa Bhat),
  • Germany (wolfgang klooB),
  • Northern Ireland (Susan Hodgett)
  • Mexico (Salvador Cervantes).
In the article various countries have the same perception on what type of country Canada is, like Israel and Slovakia viewing Canada as a free, democratic country with a strong economy with wonderful people so basically a positive image. Likewise Poland and Venezuela see Canada as a active country in multiculturalism, immigration and valuing multi religious heritage. However in The Netherlands Canada is seen to be losing its beauty and its concern for the citizens but that leads to India's perception of Canada mainly focused on how the Canadian economy is slowly declining. The USA had two perspectives, first one being by Earl Fry who addressed that Canada is becoming an afterthought even though Americans surprisingly like Canadians. But Andrew Holman addressed how Canada is seen as an "experiment" meaning its something that might succeed or fail due due its controversial history which changed the image of Canada from apparently being "up there". Similarly China has two perspectives as well, first one being Lihua Yang who talked about how they believed Canada is without a influential political system or foreign policy in the world, however national interest is a top priority for Canada. Wang Bing on the other hand addresses how China views Canada as much more than "dull wheat exporters" and instead as a multicultural country which will be very significant to the whole world. But China is not the only country with that perspective, Northern Ireland(Susan Hodgett), Germany (Wolfgang KlooB) and Mexico (Salvador Cervantes) all admire and talk about the influence of Canadian policies like immigrant settlement, multiculturalism and equality. Finally the people of Slovenia see Canada as a "rosy" warm country, but United Kingdom is actually working to build a closer tie between England and Toronto. More of these perceptions will be addressed throughout.


What really makes Canada strong?

Firstly, Canada's biggest strength is in fact diversity which means the strength of having a multicultural, multi ethnic and religious individuals basically means having more than one point of view to help Canada to improve as a whole. This is proved by some of the canadianists that were listed above in the article summary and since many countries have the same perception it makes Canada seem even more inviting. So Lucia Otrisalova (Slovakia) has talked about how Slovakians still have a positive image of Canada in other words "a better USA" which can be linked to Israels perspective mentioned by Danny ben-Natan. He addresses that Canada is seen as free and democratic country with a strong economy. This is because the more diverse the population is the more immigrants are attracted to the country and not just immigrants but potential entrepreneurs which will help build and grow the working middle class which will benefit the economy. Also the GDP per captia which can be seen on table 3.0 is $46 200 which is not too bad but could get better as more immigrants come in for more jobs and potential profit to the country. likewise in China and Germany see diversity as a very big factor in Canada;s image automatically making it a strength, what they mentioned was multiculturalism, multi faceted immigrant society and multiple forms of cultures including natives who are well respected in the Canadian society. Overall the strength of diversity leads to a peaceful and stronger country.

Representation of diversity

However Canada's weakness is the lack of business investment and export growth which is affecting Canada's reputation as a whole. So the main canadianist that targeted the Canadian was Shilpa Bhat (India) who mentioned that trade investments, business and economic linkages have not went up as they should have ehich is seen through the decline in export profit (Table 3.0) which was $411 billion in 2015 but $402.4 billion in 2106 which went down instead of going up. Also the Netherlands has a similar perception of the Canadian economy talked about by Irene Salverda who simply addressed that there is a fear that a beautiful country like Canada will soon be one big oil field meaning its just going to become a big business needing country just to impact the economy. Furthermore, the main focus being "improving" the economy makes the government oblivious to other important issues, clearly this weakness is a well known issue as well. *The video below gives some insight as to where Canada stands and highlights some more strengths and weaknesses of the nation and how Canada is a better country.

The economy in Canada is not only a weakness but it is also a pressing concern. Th economy is visibly slowing which is seen again through the export profits and this leads to increase in taxes on the working middle class Canadians. This is a bit of a problem because the unemployment rate has gone up from 6.9% to 7.1% which is not that much but still shows that it is going up which can increase and put the country in more debt. This will potentially add to to the debt Canada is already in which has also increased not very significantly from$1.55 trillion to $1.608 trillion making Canada 14th overall in the world, which is close to the top meaning Canada is trying to work hard to pay the debts by focusing mainly on the economy while putting more pressure on working Canadians . This is also seen through the the concept of free health care is not really free which shows that the the citizens have to pay through the heavy tax rates, in table 2.0 its seen 10.4% of GDP (2014) making us 15th in the world which shows how much money is spent on health care annually which adds more pressure on the citizens. Also Danny Ben-Natan (Israel) does mention that about 3 years ago the Canadian government "abolished" understanding Canada meaning it is very hard to understand the Canadian government which is part of the reason why the issue of the slowly increasing or sometimes decreasing economy is more of a concern than issues like the increase in taxes or even environmental issues.

Did you Know??

Canadians should be proud!

Canadians should be proud of their country, even though the economy is slowly declining it still does not out weigh the things Canada has accomplished over the course of time giving Canadians a reason to be proud. This is proved by Andrew Holman (U.S.A) addressing that Canada is a country that has undergone its own rights revolution since 1982 and the resurgence of aboriginal rights, even though there were many struggles to get these rights and give the natives the respect they deserve it actually made Canadians respect the aboriginals more than any other nation. Also China (Wang Bing) and Norhern Ireland (Susan Hodgett) admire the value of justice and the Canadian policies on integration, immigrant settlement and significantly the value of equality. This shows that Canada should be proud of how accepting and diverse the country is of anyone and everyone no matter what the case may be (immigrants, refugees etc..) which shows how Canada is a big helping hand to other countries as well. Canada has played a role in being peacemakers for many countries one of them being latin america, which was mentioned by Emperatriz Arreaza (Venezuela), also Canada has influenced countries like Mexico and Northern Ireland by influencing both to a better quality of life including water sanitation, health care etc.., which shows that Canada has a clean positive image for the most part. . In conclusion Canada should be proud of being a helpful, strong and a country with a positive image in most parts of the world including USA.

Is Canada "Better Off"

Canada is actually "better off" compared to other countries due to being very accepting which means avoiding discrimination, making immigrants and citizens comfortable with their ethnic and cultural backgrounds. It is also seen as a better country than USA specifically which is proven by the perception of Canada by Slovakian's as "a better united states" since many link USA to any incident that happens around the world due to its negative image, where as Canada has a positive image presumably because of it being a more safe country than its neighbor. In addition to this point Canada is better off due to its environmental strengths and having to be known for sustainability and natural resources which can be found on table 1.0, also Canada has less pollution than many countries around the world making it the environmental issues that are listed on the same table not too major which is good in the sense of water sanitation and renewable energy which is noticed by northern Ireland and mexico once again. Also Canada has a lot of land that is being unused, about 34.1 % is forest and 6.8% is agricultural and the rest is used for other purposes (Table 1.0), since the population is even smaller than California which was mentioned in the video found above, which shows that there wont be a over population and over consumption of resources problem coming in any time soon since the population growth rate is 0.74% ( Table 2.0) which is nothing compared to countries like China and India. Therefore Canada is "better off" than many countries around the world due to its strength of diversity, safe and open land and a environmentally safe country making it more welcoming thus giving Canada its positive image that its always been known for.



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