Rhinos of Central Florida JAS

The Rhinoceros is truly one of God most amazing creatures. The rhino can stand as high as 6 ft, weigh up to 5,100 lbs, live for over 40 years, and run as fast as 34 mph. An amazing animal. Unfortunately, these magnificent animals can only be see either behind fenced walls surrounding deep motes or when on expensive safaris deep in the heart of the African continent. Or may not...

Located just 10 mile west of Palm Beach, Fl, Lion Country Safari is one of the only drive-through safari parks in the United States. While the park features over 900 distinct animals, from antelopes to zebras, it is the Rhino that stands out the most.

Only five feet away...

Being able to drive through the park, with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding the iPhone, gives one the feeling of that being on safari. Photographic moments spring up to the left, right, and front. iPhones clicking away, smiles on faces. What a great remote feeling, all from central Florida.

Rhino grazing right next to the Jeep

So, the next time your in Florida and looking for something to do that is a bit different, take drive out to Lion Country Safari. Whether a rhino, zebra, or even lion, you are sure to find a new wild friend or two, so make sure you stop and snap a photo.


Jerry A. Smith

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