Judiasm By: Leah D'Andrea-Nigro

Judaism is one of the firsts monotheistic religions. This religion believes in the god Abraham who is believed to send a messiah who will redeem them from exile and bring about world peace.


Judaism was established around 2000 BC during the Bronze Age as a covenant of God and Abraham. Abraham is considered the father of Jews, while Moses is also a very important person because he had given the Jews the Torah and taught them the laws that govern their religion. Judaism, being one of the first religions, has many connections to other religions such as Christianity and Islam. Christianity was born from Judaism and Islam came from both these religions. While these religions have many things that separate them, they also derive from some of the same purposes and laws that govern their decisions which makes them very much alike.


Judaism follows a strict set of beliefs. Such as the belief that there is only one god and in this case, its Abraham. This god is suppose to "focus on One unknowable, universal, image-less Being, Who, because the universe is framed in Love, requires justice of human beings." Moses also brought the Torah which contain the words of God. This Holy book tells the origin of Jews and also states the laws they must follow. It is the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


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