Shakespeare's Plays By: Samantha Ramirez

Thesis: Shakespeare's Plays has a influence on so many people

William Shakespeare himself


Quote #1: "Shakespeare's plays are still produced all over the word" (Anderson 777).

Commentary: Shakespeare plays are still being played around the world and it might not be stopped being played allover the world. Imagine the success he has put on this world and the impacted he put on the people.

Quote #2: "In all of these cases the character is of two minds and is engaged in a dialogue with him- or herself" (James).

Commentary: When the characters go and play in the play's they have a part in themselves and in the characters self. Basically mean some of the parts have something in common going into their own life.


Quote #3: "It has often been noted that Shakespeare's characters are neither wholly good nor wholly evil, and that it is their flawed, inconsistent nature that makes them memorable" (Columbia University).

Commentary: When Shakespeare wrote the plays he didn't say/make his characters evil or good they had a part in both. It could mean something like for a example: a mystery for the readers/ watchers can think about it.

Quote #4: "Shakespeare was the ultimate professional writer. He had a theater that needed plays, actors who needed parts, and a family that needed to be fed" (Anderson 777).

Commentary: Shakespeare had lots to do in his life including feeding his family. But yet he made it through the days and made wonderful plays that was and is a huge success.

Quote#5: "Appeal and Influence Since his death Shakespeare's plays have been almost continually performed, in non-English-speaking nations as well as those where English is the native tongue; they are quoted more than the works of any other single author" (Columbia University).

Commentary: Even after Shakespeare death his plays have been popular and might always be popular. He has had and still has a influence on people from the messages of his plays.

Quote #6: "In many soliloquies in Shakespeare's plays a character gives voice to two or more distinct emotions. In some of these cases the emotions are merely different, while in other cases they are diametrically opposed. In extreme cases the character gives voice to an emotional conflict that is tearing the character's mind apart. In still other cases, the speaker gives voice to only one emotion, but another, unexpressed emotion of nearly equal, equal, or greater strength is nevertheless implied" (James).

Commentary: In Shakespeare's plays there is a message and the characters can be a huge part of showing the message to readers/ watchers.

Quote #7: "Sometimes playwrights influence the shape and form of the theater, but more often existing theater seem to influence the shape and form of play's" (Anderson 778).

Commentary: The writing influence people but the visual can help them understand more. Some people learn much better with visuals.

Quote#8: "The groundlings, those eight hundred or more people who stood shoulder to shoulder around the stage for the price of a penny, loved a good show. Most people still do" (Anderson 779).

Commentary: People loved Shakespeare's plays which means the plays influenced those people. People would and could do anything for the plays cause the love them.

Going Down Hill

Quote #9 "Although attributed (credited) to Shakespeare in versions published in 1609 and 1611, Pericles was not included in the First Folio. Most scholars accept the play as Shakespeare's, though many argue that it is a collaboration with the English dramatist George Wilkins" (Lander).

Commentary: People recreate Shakespeare's plays as we all know but they did credited him in the plays. Others don't really like the idea which came in conclusion to an argument.

Quote #10"Scholars do not know exactly what Shakespeare wrote. With the possible exception of a short passage from Sir Thomas More, no manuscripts in Shakespeare’s handwriting exist. Thus, editors have had to sort through the early printed documents to determine what was written by Shakespeare" (Lander).

Commentary: The scholars didn't know what was written by Shakespeare and what wasn't written by him. They had to sort through the play's to see if it was in his words or if it wasn't in his own words.


Created with images by tonynetone - "William Shakespeare" • Biblioteca Rector Machado y Nuñez - ""Shakespeare""

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