National Birthday Day The First of every month

Some kids don't get presents on their birthday this holiday is designed to let kids have an extra birthday.
Some people get candy and money for their birthday this can be a good present for people on on my holiday.
Some people like to have a cake on their birthday.
People also have cupcake cakes which is a cake made up of cupcakes.
Some people put sparklers on their cakes or cupcakes if it is near the Fourth of July people who were born in July could do this.
People also can use candles on their cupcakes or cake.

My holiday takes place the first of every month.

People who were born on in the month that it is the first of that it is is when they celebrate it.

People who were born on the first of their month gets double the presents they should.

Finally the last fun fact is that if you were born on a holiday you get double presents too.


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