Christianity Adam

when Jesus Christ, The king of The Jews, die for our sins, he set up his church to govern us. He is believed to have been crucified on a cross in between 30 A.D. and 33 A.D. When he set up his church he left peter, one of his disciples before he rose from the dead, was put in charge of his church and was made pope.

many christian believe that he is the son of god and the messiah, meaning savior, and when he returns back to earth he will rule all of his flock. Although the bible was not his idea, The holy book help spread the religion around the world, preaching "i am" with his works and stories. "and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail" is what he said when he taught his disciples.

Although the church is strong it split into 3 areas that all follow god but in different ways. Many believe that marry is the mother of god and honor her while others parts just only believe that she is the mother of god and that is it. Compared to other religions, Christianity believes in a caring god, like a father.

Christmas, Easter, good Friday,and lent Are some of the most important holidays in the christian religion. christmas is the birth of jesus in a manger, lent is the 40 days jesus spent in the dessert to prepare himself for good friday ,good friday is when jesus died on the cross and went to hell of one day, then went to heaven for the next two days, and easter is the resurrection of jesus on the third day.

priest performing the stations of the cross


Created with images by CGP Grey - "Jesus and the three thieves" • garyullah - "Vatican, Rome" • One Day Closer - "Bible" • Waiting For The Word - "Madonna - Mary & Jesus 39" • Johnragai-Moment Catcher - "The Station of the Cross Begin"

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