Hi I'm Leon dog Owner, Traveler, student, photographer

This is Flower She's my dog.

I like taking pictures from different perspectives. Like taking a picture that makes the bark of the tree look Iike it's the ground.

This is a picture of some snow crystals that I found at King's Canyon National Park.

The sunset at a beach near San Francisco.

This is a picture of a sunrise in the morning on my walk to school. I lowered the brightness which made a black background and a lighter sun.

Same sunset taken from the windshield of a car.

As you can see this is another picture of a sunset. I took this from the balcony on the second floor of my house, and then used a vibrant color filter.

This was another picture in which I warped the perspective. The "donut's" are actually mushrooms.

Some icicles that were hanging on a rock above a flowing river.

This one is pretty cool, so these are icicles that were attached to the underside of a sheet of ice. The dripping of the water caused them to form this shape I attempted to make them look like skyscrapers in a city.

This picture is of the sun glaring through our door. The refraction of the curves and slants in the window create the irises.

This was a very closeup zoom of some algae on a rock. This creates the illusion that you are flying above a forest.

This was a picture I took off my sister through a mildly thick sheet of ice.

The city of San Francisco as seen from above and at night.

This was a picture of the sun shining through some leaves. Many of the pictures, like this one, were taken on my daily walk to my bus stop.

Another picture of Flower.

And yet another picture of Flower.

This was the picture of the sky above my neighborhood one day. I felt like these clouds almost made it look like you were underwater.

This one is very cool, so I was again, walking to my bus stop and I took this picture. When I took it I realized that I had blurred it so I went back to delete it, however I was surprised to see this blur effect looked really cool with the sunrise.

I am an avid Lego fan and I really like to build buildings and structures for my little Lego men. This one I built within two days, I later added a tree so that there would be some green on this modern house.

This was actually just a small granite rock, you can see in the background there are some mountains. To make this I put the IPad so the camera is very close to the rock and then focused on the rock in the foreground, which caused the blur in the background

This is almost the complete opposite of the previous photo. I did the same thing but this time instead of focusing on the foreground I focused on the mountains in the background.

This was similar to the first photo

My meme number one
My meme number two
Yosemite Falls
Half Dome in the distance
Frozen dew on grass

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