cancer research institute by addison ozuna

with your help we can help these people all across the world with this devastating disease

  • many are affected: This has been a problem that has affected people for years and without your help we will probably still be struggling with it for many more years. we need all the money we can get to save the lives of many. Even stars like Ben stiller have been affected

15.5 million people in the U.S. have had a cancer diagnosis. This could happen to you and your family. I personally believe if you don't donate money you are a horrible person. cancer is very cancerous. this disease makes people ill.

  • with your help we can find a cure: we have been hard at work to find a cure for all cancers all the while trying to make your loved ones comfortable in this hard time.


Created with images by Vivanista1 - "DSC_5586" • Kingsway School - "open evening (17 of 57)" • DFID - UK Department for International Development - "Dr Colin Walker, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon from Glasgow"

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