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RESTORATION Book Two- "Autrefois"

"For a little while, Chris Brenner had it all; but since the accident, he can barely function... and now he has Tom's journals."


Book Two of the RESTORATION series, set in modern-day America, continues the story of twenty-one year old Chris Brenner, a gay man who barely escaped from his ultra-religious parents. At the Center in San Francisco, Chris found new friends and fell in love-- but tragedy was not far behind. Now he's struggling to pick up the pieces and move on, while he's inexorably drawn deeper and deeper into the past of the man he loves.

For forty years, the Center for Restoration has tirelessly worked to save society's outcasts as they flee to America's great cities. But now, a rising tide of violent intolerance threatens the very existence of this life-saving humanist institution.


The RESTORATION saga combines graphic personal stories with the on-going upheaval of America in the twenty-first century amidst political turmoil and social media addiction.

Married to one man since 1988, Bayla Dornon spends his days in the lush temperate rainforest of the Pacific northwest, writing, recording videos, and photographing. They have a cat.

Art created by Micah Perry. IG: @artmonstermicah.


©2020 béla dornon


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