Preschool Science by Jack hegarty and Anicia Ellis

Chemistry in the Kitchen

In selected preschools some teachers allow their kids, to take pieces of vegetables to poke with toothpicks to test their hypothesis, they may add spices and compare tastes, the teacher may ask questions about the color texture and smell of the vegetables.

Explorations at the Water and Sand tables!

Teachers will give the children shape tools with different shapes and sizes and to poor sand and water through them. At the stations they learn the properties of water to allow them to know what will sink and float.

Biology with Animals!

Kids learn to take responsibility for taking care of animals like Fish and temperatures in the tank. They learn about any small mammals, they measure what they eat, their weight, and their height. Sometimes they may record their growth in pictures and charts.

Created By
Jack Anicia


Created with images by thelesleyshow - "Young Boy Standing in Line at School" • smoMashup1 - "Kitchen (left view)" • abbybatchelder - "IMG_0042" • kaori - "goldfish aquarium underwater"

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