"I Am Walt Disney" by Grace Norwich November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"One day he asked Walt to draw a picture of his stallion, Rupert. The horse wouldn't stay still, so Walt had to keep moving around to keep the animal's head in profile." (p. 23)

Based upon the context clues, the word "stallion" means a type of horse.

"After failing in Marceline, Elias set his sights on the larger Midwest metropolis of Kansas City, Missouri." (p. 27)

Based upon the context clues, the word "metropolis" means a central place

"Walt and Ruth were forbidden from going, but that didn't keep them from standing outside the gates to look." (p. 27)

Based upon the context clues, the word "forbidden" means to not be able to.

"In the winter, Walt slipped and fell on icy steps while trudging through snow up to his knees." (p. 30)

Based upon the context clues, the word "trudging" means to walk through something wearily.

"He became one of the biggest stars of the silent-film era with his iconic bowler hat, mustache, and cane." (p. 33)

Based upon the context clues, the word "iconic" means something that someone is known for.

"Although Walt's father had failed so many businesses in his life, perhaps his willingness to try different jobs sparked Walt's entrepreneurial spirit." (p. 42)

Based upon the context clues, the word "entrepreneurial" means someone who makes financial risks.

"Cel animation is named after the sheets of celluloid on which Hurd drew images." (p. 49)

Based upon the context clues, the word "celluloid" means a type of material that people draw on to make cartoons.

"He envisioned the sound happening in sync with the action on the screen." (p. 71)

Based upon the context clues, the word "envisioned" means to think of something mentally."

"He worked as though he was in a race against time, and in fact, Walt's health was starting to deteriorate. Eventually, X-rays showed that he had lung cancer." (p. 109)

Based upon the context clues, the word "deteriorate" means to wear away, or die.

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Created with images by JeffChristiansen - "Portrait of Walt Disney | Walt Disney Studios (Burbank)" • Alexas_Fotos - "horses for two coupling" • diegoalbero - "Metrópolis" • uccleart - "panels no signs forbidden" • THX0477 - "That's some deep stuff" • skeeze - "charlie chaplin actor comedian" • kellywritershouse - "Entrepreneurial Journalism 12.03.12" • Joshua_Willson - "celluloid film 35mm" • joshwept - "Clouded" • esudroff - "wilted roses summer"

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