Choosing a General Contractor How do you know you've found the right one?

Tips for choosing a contractor for your next big project!

Insurance Is Critical

This is a state requirement for all operating contractors and any legitimate Contractor is going to carry some form of insurance to cover not only any damages that may occur accidentally or by nature, but also to help protect the homeowner from any neglectful or less that substantial repairs that may cause damage to your home. You'll want to look for a contractor carrying an insurance policy including at the least a one million dollar liability coverage. For more detailed information and guidelines on coverage requirements go to

Choose a local contractor over a big name brand

Choosing a local contractor will make it easier to find legitimate reviews and information on the reputation and work than hiring and outside big name company. Local contractors also tend to provide better one on one quality service than big name corporations who's bosses don't work one on one with the homeowner on a daily project basis.

Price doesn't guarantee quality

A quality contractor is going to try and save his customers as much money as possible without skipping out on a quality product. Do your research and ask questions like what type of materials their estimate includes and the specifications and warranty on the product being used. It is possible to provide quality products for an affordable cost.

Make sure everything is in writing before committing to anything or money exchanges hands.

Ask to be provided with a detailed job contract keeping record of the expected work to be done any surprise repairs that may occur costing extra money ( after all unfortunately a contractor doesn't always know what he's getting into until he starts tearing off the layers ), receipts for materials and a log of costs and lobotomy breaking down where your money is being spent, and most importantly any and all liabilities the contractor does not hold himself or his company liable for so you fully understand what your agreeing to.

Most importantly Communication

Communication is the key to any project. A contractor who keeps you well involved and well informed with every step of your project is a contractor to consider!


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