
Tokyo, Japan’s busy capital, mixes the ultramodern and the traditional, from neon-lit skyscrapers to historic temples. Tokyo is the most diverse part of japan. It is the biggest tourist attraction.

Tokyo's population is over 35 Million people. Tokyo is not a very big area so everywhere you go there is always someone there. the rooms are usully small and the hotel rooms are small also.

Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world. The car scene is huge there.they take cars very serious .

Tokyo's car scene huge, they take cars very serious.

Japanese car meets are they craziest car meets in the world. it goes from whether they are drifter or just meeting up in a empty parking lot.

Tokyo is the most well-known city in Asia, and one of the biggest cities in the world.usually when you go to a city and there is a lot of people, most of the time there would be garbage on the floor, notin tokyo

Tokyo is approximately 14 hours and 10 minuets flight time from new york city.

tokyo's public transit is always crowded because there is over 13 million people in that city.

One of the best ways to see the size of Tokyo city is from the air on a helicopter cruise. Flying above the city’s most famous landmarks and witnessing Tokyo’s metropolis landscape from the sky especially at night is #1 on our list.

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