Earthquake in Nepal A photographic essay by Ted Wendel

All images are copyrighted (Ted Wendel 2015). Reproduction or use without permission is prohibited.

Note, all patients pictured approved of being photographed prior to capture of the image (except the monkey who accepted a banana as compensation).

The first quake on April 25th registered 7.8 mag and destroyed or severely damaged half a million homes. Almost 9000 people perished.
The view of Kathmandu from what use to be the third level of the Nirvana Cafe atop Swayambunath or the Monky Temple
Krishna, owner of the Nirvana Cafe, recovering what little remains.
The only roof to be trusted now is a tarp
Life continues amid the destruction
Project HOPE delivers care to those in need
A second quake on May 12 registered 7.4 mag and brought fear and panic.
Patients were evacuated from the wards and oxygen tanks lIay where they fell.
Project HOPE volunteers set up camp and prepared to assist.....
...working tirelessly through the night and for days to come.
My thanks to Project HOPE for the opportunity to be part of the first Nepal earthquake rotation. The team of volunteers and its leadership were a model of international humanitarian aid relief. I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with such a great team and wonderful people.

Ted Wendel is the Senior VP for Strategic Initiatives at A. T. Still University and a photojournalist from Mesa, Arizona. He worked on a variety of international humanitarian relief projects for organizations like Project HOPE, the UCSD Pre-Dental Society and JustHope, Inc. Ted worked in the Philippines after Typhoon Yolanda as well as Cambodia, Vietnam and Nicaragua. He was a member of the first Nepal Rotation from Project HOPE following the earthquake of April 25, 2015.

Created By
Ted Wendel
Ted Wendel (

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