Human Trafficking

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the act of selling people to other people as slaves to use for labor and other things. It is a violation of human rights and considered a serious crime.

How it is done:

Generally, human trafficking is accomplished by using violent force, threatening the person/people, any forms of fraud, or abuse of vulnerability. There are many reasons it is done including slavery, forced prostitution, and the removal of organs.

Human Trafficking in the US

Although there are many cases of human trafficking in third world countries, it still does happen in the US. One of the more common states for human trafficking is Colorado and this is because of its central location and that two major highways (I-70 and I-25) meet in a central point and a lot of human trading happens in this location.

Criminalization of Human Trafficking

Since human trafficking is a serious crime those caught in the act of doing it are arrested and tried. Although there aren't many cases of it because the people in the industry of human trafficking are pretty sneaky, it still does happen that someone is found trafficking humans.


Human Trafficking is no good and should not ever be done by anyone for any reason. If someone you know is involved in human trafficking, tell them to stop. If you ever witness human trafficking call the authorities because that is illegal.

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