Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH By: joshua travis

Nature on Display
  • I found the butterfly exhibit to be the most appealing to me because it was extremly relaxing and watching the butterflies was mesmerizing
  • This exhibit captured my attention because of it large size and the numerous waterfalls it had inside
  • I learned how fragile some life forms are such as the butterfly and how they feed not only on flowers but on fruit
  • I found this exhibit very enjoyable because i wanted to stay there and kept seeing new kinda of butterflies
Nature and Ethics
  • Leopold believes that conservation efforts are doomed to fail unless we learn to appreciate the land for more than just its economic value. This is also true with the Native Americans where they believe in only taking what they need
  • I got a feeling of respect of the land and usefulness walking through the exhibit
  • Others reacted to this exhibit by looking in awe. I saw many taking pictures and silently observing the beauty around them. I also so some taking it for granted and walking past the exhibit very quickly
Nature and the Human Spirit
  • This museum helps you step out of your ordinary lives by realizing how much the world has changed around us and how animals have evolved
  • I had never been that close to fossils before so it was an amazing reminder of where we came from. Life was so different back in the day. It made me eager to see what our future holds and how we are going to evolve in the future generations

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