Infinity qx 56 2011 Luxury cars

The infinity is hard to beat. Its a luxuty car. I gess you can tell. This car was created in 2003-2004. I think. This is the car that i have. And i probably wouldn't sell it, because i or you would regret it even though you can make a lot of money.

Qx56 2011

The infinity qx 56 can go up to about 90.00$ just for gas. That's almost the price for a tv. But its worth it. It can go up to 600-690 km util its empty. 9 to 8 hour drive depending on the speed your going.

This car has comfort. And when i say comfort, its because its really comfortable. Not like an hyundai accent 2008. That car is made by the dump. But at lest it brings you to where you want to go. Right? You have more than one option for this car. But its expensive.

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