Tutorials Process By: linta aLi

What are tutorials? Tutorials are a time for students to come togather and help one another with questions they are having in their classes.

What days are tutorials held? Every Tuesday's and Thursday's

At home you only fill out one side of the TRF , the picture above is the side where the TRF needs to be filled out at home. The TRF is filled with higher level questions from your academic classes.

Here's an example of a Pre-Ap Algebra 2 TRF

Here's another example for a Chemistry TRF

The boxed numbers are what the avid tutors look for and grade. They have you self grade and then check the TRF and re-evaluate the score by themselves. The possible points are 25/25 and the tutor may be allowed to change the score . If the TRF is turned in late the tutors deduct 10 points for the TRF.

When you walk into class, you have to hand your TRF to the tutors, it's like a golden ticket, in order to walk in and begin your tutoring session.

Tutorials are spreated into groups based on you academic class, for example their would be a separate group for math, a group for science, a group for English and so on so forth.

You present your question by writing it in the POC colum and start writing out your notes for your question after you have solved your question, you will start writing down the steps for how you got your answer. When presenting to the class you call out "ahh ha" then everyone around you will be like" what are you ahh haing about" once you presented your question you will end it with " can I get a amen".

Reflection is done right after you have completed your TRF session , the reason why we reflect is because it helps us think over what we learned from our point of confusion and also satistics say the 18 precent of student who reflect do better in classes then those who don't.