goats by: jacob slone

scientific name

Capra hircus


The natural habitat of the common goat is from southwest Asia and Eastern Europe where they need lots of space with plenty of roughage mostly trees and bushes. The natural habitat of the common goat is from southwest Asia and Eastern Europe where they need lots of space with plenty of roughage mostly trees and bushes


Roughage is essential to the goat's diet to maintain good health. Dry matter roughage (long fiber, also known as grass hay or dry forage/browse) is critical for proper rumen function. Goats digest their food using live bacteria

physical descripition

Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species of animals and have been used by humans for over 9,000 years as a source of food and clothing. Goats are found throughout the world, and more than 210 breeds are catalogued as of 2014. Goats and sheep are often characterized together because of their similarities.

breeding info

At 1 year of age, the buck should service no more than 10 does at a time (in one month). When he is 2 years old, he should be able to service 25 does at a time. At the age of 3 and older, he can breed up to 40 does at one time, as long as his health and nutritional needs are met. The number of does a buck can service at one time also depends on individual sex drive of the buck, the terrain of the land and if he is managed by a hand- or pasture- mating system. The buck has the greatest genetic impact on the herd and should be well taken care of at all times

special behavior

Billy goats throw their head up in the air and ventroflex their neck when they ejaculate.

weird interesting info

Buck Smell. Bucks stink with a strong musky odor, which comes from both their scent glands, located near their horns, and their urine, which they spray on their face, beards, front legs and chest. They usually spray themselves during rut -- that is, the time when the does are in estrus.


The End


Created with images by stanhua - "Vuohi" • Chraecker - "goat animal horns" • diego_torres - "wild goat nature rest" • simply.jessi - "untitled image" • Tim Green aka atoach - "Goat" • WikimediaImages - "goat baby jumping" • Alexas_Fotos - "goat animal meadow" • PeterDargatz - "goats animal bock" • skeeze - "mountain goat rocks wildlife" • Marisa04 - "goat billy goat goatee" • Couleur - "billy goat goat livestock" • Laurent Lebois © - "IMG_4675" • Alexas_Fotos - "goat animal meadow"

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