Mystery Box Challenge Me, myself & I

In this unit Students will explore influencing factors on the development of one’s sense of self and how a person’s sense of self may change in different contexts. They will also explore the relationship between these factors and their significance at different life stages. Students will follow on by exploring and explaining the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during adolescence and identify positive ways to manage these changes.

What if puberty was the same for everyone?

What if puberty occured later in life?

What if puberty happened in 1 day?

What if only one or two changes occurred at puberty for both males and females?

What would happen if the life stages were reversed?


Created with images by sasint - "rush boys outdoor" • Madame Tussauds - "..أنا تولعت به.." • Leroy_Skalstad - "people peoples homeless" • peter.busse - "one day in jungle" • Pezibear - "egg hen's egg food" • geralt - "smartphone face woman"

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