Martin Luther King Jr. By: Collin Hoover


  • Michael Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • He was the son of Reverend Michael Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King.
  • In the year of 1934, Michael Luther King Sr. went to a Fifth Baptist World Alliance Congress and learned about the German reformer Martin Luther. After this event, he legally changed both his and his son's name from Michael to Martin.
  • King shared his childhood home with his two siblings, Christine and Alfred, his parents, and his grandparents.
  • Father was a was the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and a civil rights leader in the early stage of the movement.
  • Mother was was an accomplished organist and choir leader

Life in High School

  • At the time, there were laws of segregation known as Jim Crow laws. These were laws that segregated black and white people
  • Martin Luther King Jr. attended Booker T. Washington High School
  • Martin excelled in his studies and even at an early age, was a very talented public speaker. He took part in many school debates.
  • Martin was so intelligent, that he finished high school early and went on to Morehouse College in his junior year of high school.
  • In his junior year of college, he went on to pursue a career in ministry

The Battle of Segregation

  • Martin had battled segregation for his entire life
  • Jim Crow laws
  • Shoe Store example
  • He had witnessed many racial events in his life, such as the Montgomery bus boycott. This event pushed him over the edge and he knew it was time to take a stand
  • The night Rosa Parks was arrested, it was decided that Martin Luther King Jr. would lead the citywide bus boycott, which lasted 382 days

The Fight

  • King and other civil rights leaders started working on preparing speeches and protests to end segregation
  • In the Spring of 1693, Martin organized a peaceful protest in Birmingham, Alabama that turned violent
  • Birmingham police came at supporters with police dogs and fire hoses
  • King was arrested and jailed
  • This event did not stop him
  • While in jail, he continued to talk about his theory of nonviolence and equality among all people
  • King and his supporters had already been planing the mass demonstration in Washington D.C.

'I Have a Dream'

  • On August 28, 1963, King's march consisted of more than 200,000 people of all races at Lincoln Memorial where he gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech
  • His speech emphasized the idea that one day all people could come together regardless of the color of their skin
  • One of the most famous quotes from this speech is, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
  • This speech had a huge impact across the nation
  • People from cities not experiencing racial tension began to take notice and take a stand against Jim Crow laws

The Result

  • As a result of the many protests, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed
  • This authorized the federal government to enforce the desegregation of public accommodations and outlawing discrimination in publicly owned facilities
  • Although, the long term goal of ending segregation was reached, the struggles of racism were far from over
  • King continued to lead marches and protests across the country

"The Bloody Sunday"

  • Most people think that after the act was passed, the racial troubles went away but that is anything but the case
  • On March 7, 1965, a televised march planned from Selma, AL to the capital turned violent
  • Police met protesters with nightsticks and tear gas
  • Many were bloodied and severely injured
  • This violent event is known as "The Bloody Sunday"

The Asassination

  • In the spring of 1968, a labor strike by Memphis Sanitation workers drew King to the city for a speech and protest
  • The day after his speech, on April 4th, 1968, King was asassinated standing on the balcony outside the Lorraine Motel
  • He was struck by a sniper's bullet from James Earl Ray
  • This event caused riots in more than 100 cities across the nation
  • Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison and died there in April 23, 1998

Why is King viewed as a "Good Person"?

  • King fought till the death for what he believed in regardless of what people thought and regardless of his well being
  • He put others before himself. He put himself and his family in danger so that America could change forever
  • He was harmed in every way but didn't stop until his job was done
  • He accomplished so much but never even got to experience the benefits of all of his work that he dedicated his life to
  • The world as we know it would be so different without his passion and persistence for equality among all
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated yesterday as a reminder to all he has done for our country
  • Today there are many schools and public places named after him


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