SAM WALTON Founder of walmart

born in 1918 and passed away at age 74 from cancer. He lived on a farm until 1923 and then left because the couldn't make enough profits. In 8th grade he became the youngest eagle scout in state history. In high school he was on the honor role and was a good athlete while playing sports.
attended the university of missouri

was drafted into army after he quit job at JC penny

met his wife before joining the army. 1 year later they got married and the following year they had a child. over the next few years they had more children until they had a girl in 1949
-borrowed money from father and saved money to open store after army. bought 2nd store with profit from 1st store. He moved and opened another store 2 miles south of bentonville. Named it walton 5-10 like first one

Hired someone else to run 2nd store. over next several years he opened several more stores. Opened 16 different stores based on his ideas and his ideas turned into walmart

First Walmart opened in 1962.

Number one retailer. 600,000+ people have jobs because of Walmart.

Worked with 3 main people on his business. his brother, father in law and brother in law

As of February 2013 his estimated net worth is $65 billion

Sam was very successful because he created a store with affordable prices and had convenience shopping. Also he gave people jobs.

Created By
Austin Goshert

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