Renewable/Nonrenewable By Tyler lovett

Geothermal- Pros/ 1) great for heating and cooling 2)available anywhere

Geothermal cons-1)environmental issues 2)Surface instability

Solar energy pros- 1)Renewable 2)Abundant 3)Substainable

Solar energy cons- 1)Expensive 2) requires space

Wind energy pros- 1) clean source of power 2) renewable

Wind energy cons- 1)noise 2) Threat to wildlife

Hydroelectric energy pros- 1)Renewable 2) reliable

Hydroelectric energy cons - 1)expensive 2) droughts

Biomass energy pros- 1)Renewable 2) can be used in many forms

Biomass energy cons- 1)not totally clean when burned 2) can lead to deforestation

Coal pros- 1)abundant 2) inexpensive

Coal cons- 1) nonrenewable 2) high cost of transportation

oil pros- 1)easy to produce 2)essential

oil cons- 1)nonrenewable 2) possible oil leak

Natural gas pros - 1)cheap 2) lots of it

Natural gas cons- 1)nonrenewable 2)powerful green house gas

Nuclear power pros- 1)low carbon dioxide 2) low cost

Nuclear power cons- 1) nonrenewable 2) long construction time


Created with images by ThinkGeoEnergy - "Hellisheidi geothermal power plant" • ThinkGeoEnergy - "Hellisheidi geothermal power plant" • skeeze - "solar panels installation workers" • Unsplash - "wind farm farm rural" • Deni Williams - "Usina Hidroelétrica Itaipu Binacional / Itaipu Dam" • Savannah River Site - "Ameresco Biomass Cogeneration Facility at SRS" • RoDobby - "brown coal energy garzweiler" • Arenamontanus - "Oil spill" • SashSegal - "balloon adventure air" • Dave Sizer - "Satsop Nuclear Power Plant"

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