Mississauga 2.0 By: Natalie, Raaj, Zihan, and Jackie

Waste Management (Jackie)

What are the issues or problems that exist in Mississauga?

Landfills are the primary method of disposal. Residents disposed of all their trash into plastic garbage bags, the bags went straight to the dump. Residents produce thousands of tonnes of waste each year. Approximately 500,000 tonnes of waste produced by 1.2 million residents every year. Only 3 million tonnes of garbage is taken from the landfill sites and get turned into recycled goods. Six million tonnes of garbage end up in Canadian landfills. Trash is burned at Algonquin Power's Brampton incinerator.

How is the situation unsustainable in Mississauga?

Process of burning garbage releases carbon dioxide into the air, polluting the air. When burning garbage releases toxic gases into the atmosphere. Garbage harms the environment, landfills are a good location for animals to go and eat. Some of the food they eat can cause diseases, affecting other animals if it is spread. Plastic is non-biodegradable, so if animals mistaken it for food, they can end up eating the plastic and dying.

How do you propose to make Mississauga more sustainable within your urban planning committee?

Use the 3 R’s more often to slow down the pollution of toxic waste and garbage dumps. Using the 3 R's will conserve energy and natural resources, using recycled materials will result in less energy being uses than raw materials. Another way is to make a list that states what item goes in which trash bin. Transforming landfills into recreational areas (ex. Golf courses, parks, etc.). Making an industry and having machines detect garbage that does not belong in landfills would also help make Mississauga more sustainable.

Transportation (Natalie)

Mississauga 2.0 - Transportation Planner

New ways of transportation: - Metro system

Right now Bonnie Crombie has put a busing system along the 403, 427, 410 and other roads and highways. She has made special busing lanes and special bus stops and shelters. Her project has cost the city of Mississauga 40.4 million and 23% of our tax dollars goes into making and planning the buses. The busing system is also not very Eco friendly. If you look at how Dubai has planned out their metro system, it is Eco - friendly, cost efficient and limits the amount of traffic.

Its is a elevated on ramp, above or beside the highways. Has underground and above ground ramps to take you to the next platform or to the central area near the stop. This more efficient than busses. The metro train carts are fully automated. Inside the stations there are some workers to help you buy you tickets. If you are a local or take the rasit a lot you can buy a “me card” and a me card is a prepaid card and you swipe it every time you take the metro.

A regular transfer is $3.50 and if you have a card then one leg will cost you ¢10. All of the money the metro makes is to go to cleaning the metro and and back into the community.


The stops will be in the central parts of mississauga and some minor ones as well Central station- The central station will be at square one

Erinmills, Port credit, Erendail, Queen elizabeth way, Cooksville, Lauren park, Streetsville, MeadowvaleLakes view

From square one there will be a direct metro to downtown toronto - Transportation Planner

energy and water (zihan)

Mississauga wastes a lot energy just like most other cities a lot of it is lost because of our growing population demanding more and more as well as poor ways to keep energy from escaping lead to a lot of energy being wasted. This also applies for water growing population raises demand and out of date equipment, pipelines, and facilities all result in water being wasted. Our primary source of energy is fossil fuel we must leave behind this horrible energy source if we want to grow as a city.

Due to a large amount of our energy coming from fossil fuels which is very unsustainable we need to find a better source of energy. We also need to lower our energy usage if we continue to burn off so much energy which can make it harder to use renewable resources this applies to water as well dirty water is a result of pollution and a bad treatment center both of which are a problem.

The first thing we need to do is install solar panels on top of any building which would lower the need for fossil fuels next we would need make sure that when electricity is converted from energy inside a generator less of it wasted this can be done by buying new generators. Next we would have to upgrade water treatment plants they are the only things protecting us from harmful bacteria and other pollutants. We as a community would need to start being more efficient in how we use water especially oil it takes 42 gallons of water to make one gallon of oil if we find better energy sources and cut down on the need for oil we can conserve millions of gallons of water.

smart growth (Raaj)

Smart growth in Mississauga should consist of roads being fully used, minimal waste of sidewalks and to reduce the amount of wasted space occupied by parking lots and other services cars need by moving the main transportation use to buses and trains over personal cars.

Above is an example of how smart growth before and after the smart use of space.

Smart growth is basically an act taken to prevent or slow down urban sprawl, the overpopulation of a city. To prevent this, Mississauga 2.0 can develop ways and methods to save space and use the unused space such as the image shown above.

Other examples of smart growth possible for Mississauga 2.0 are: Using unused spaces such as under highways, small forests and bogs for public parks. Another main method is building apartments instead of houses so more people can live in the same area used.

Above is an example of smart growth by building apartments that can hold several times more people than a house. On the roofs of the apartments, you can build parks and small recreational centers for the community.


Created with images by transitpeople - "Red Line Metro in Dubai, United Arab Emirates" • Pexels - "light bulb splash water" • Grand Canyon NPS - "Grand Canyon National Park: Visitor Center Solar Power System 0300"

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