Dear Colleagues, the first Neurovascular RAISE 1 Selling Skills course was completed on 14th/15th March. Delegates from the UK and EMEA attended the 2 day training session in Birmingham.

"Learning an in-depth processes to selling skills and how to handle objections"

"All aspects of the course! Full of new concepts to help improve skills and help me challenge better"

"Really easy to follow, methodical, well presented"

"Very good tempo and atmosphere for learning"

"Really enjoyable and interesting. I feel I took a lot from this course, plenty food for thought"

"Loved it"

Feedback from the course was very positive with an overall evaluation of 7.37 out of 8 and a self evaluated knowledge level increase of 140.7%

A big thank you to Chris Graham and Sean Caddell for facilitating. Their knowledge and experience was a very valuable part to the success of the course.

I look forward to the next step and putting this into practice

Next to follow.....web coaching.....

Kind Regards, Adam

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