Child Labor in India By Erin Cabana

Ending Child Labor in India

By The Editorial Board (New York Times)


"India has made encouraging progress in recent years on reducing the number of children forced to work instead of pursuing their education. Unfortunately, recent actions by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi are threatening to stall, or even reverse, that progress"

This is a summary lead, it summarizes what the editorial writing is going to be about, and mentions an abundant amount of the 5 Ws.

Re-written lead:

Sweat slithering silently down a child's crimson face, limp arms hang on a 10 year old, and black smothered across a kid's body. India is doing a great job to stop this horrible labor of young children, reaching for an opportunity like education for these kids, and so far they are succeeding. Meanwhile, Modi fights back, threatening to bring things back to what they were before, where children worked till they could go no more.

This is an example of a creative lead, it reels in the reader, and turns the summary lead into something more interesting.

As seen in the lead, there are two "perspectives" of child labor, India supports it and is trying to help the children, while the Prime Minister thinks otherwise. Here are the 5w's following up on India's perspective:

Who: India

What: wants to decrease the amount of child labor, and give them the choice of education

When: want numbers do decrease immediately

Where: India

Why: Children deserve so much more, and they shouldn't be working on a farm where they are overworked at such a young age.

How/change it: The International Labor Organization estimates that economies will be putting in money for the children's benefits. It will destroy child labor and promote social services/education.

These are the 5 w's from Modi's reasoning with child labor:

Who: Prime Minister Narendra Modi

What: threatening to stall or reverse child labor

When: it was imposed as a threat, therefore no evidence of him actually going through with it is given

Where: India

Why: the children need to support their poor families with the wages they earn

How/to change it: he has already slashed funds for the children nutrition and education


"Mr. Modi was elected partly on the promise of spurring economic growth and lifting millions out of poverty. Putting more children to work while cutting funds for education and child nutrition is not the way to achieve this"

This can be classified as a point forward lead since it says how cutting funds is not the way to stop the reduction of child labor. Therefore, implying that he's going to have to try something different to end it.

Re-written conclusion:

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone"- Ronald Reagan. Prime Minister Modi may not be able to help the people in poverty, while working on growing India's economy, along with decreasing child labor, but many businesses, economies, and India themselvesĀ are trying to help child labor, everyone can help someone.

This is an example of a "quote a verbal giant" conclusion. It quotes beautiful words from the famous Ronald Reagan, and how they apply to Modi and India's situation.

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