Florida Museum of Natural History Sherridon DRESSEl

Nature on Display

The Calusa were a tribe of Indians who primarily inhabited estuaries and who lived in the southwest part of Florida. I was captivated by this exhibit because of the simplicity of it and the raw display that exhibit encapsulated. After reading the displays and exploring this exhibit, I had a better understanding of the living conditions the Calusa, as well as a glance into their everyday lives. The Calusa did not rely on agriculture as their means of food but instead they took advantage of everything the estuary had to offer. They utilized the rivers as a way to transport people, fish, trade, and warfare. They were resourceful and innovative when it came to obtaining food. They used plants and other raw materials/ resources to create the tools they needed in order to survive. This exhibit was very informative and gave visitors insight as to how the Calusa people lived and went about day by day. By reading about the canals, canoes, nets, and and other informative displays, I gained some perspective on the everyday life of a Calusa as well as a better understanding of how they really lived. We could learn a few things from the Calusa and their simplistic lifestyle. I really enjoyed this exhibit because it displayed a lifestyle that didn't consists of materialistic things, these people lived with the bare minimum and made the most out of what they had. It really made me admire their lifestyle and enjoy the simple things in life.

Nature and Ethics

While visiting the butterfly garden, the motto, "love, respect, and admire" resonated with me. Being completely immersed into the butterflies's world gave me a new appreciation for them and their intricate life cycle. Everything from the colors of their wings to the flowers around the exhibit had a special purpose. As I went through the exhibit all I could think about was balance. Everything depends on each other and one small alteration could be disastrous. It's crazy to think how something as small as a butterfly can have such a major impact on hunderds of difference species. The butterfly garden also made me realize to take a moment to enjoy life, take in every moment so you don't miss out on the beauty and simplicity of the little things in life. I gained a new sense of appreciation for butterflies and their surroundings through this exhibit. Having the opportunity to explore an exhibit that showcased so many different elements made it possible to "love, respect, and admire" the butterfly rainforest.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The Natural History museum has a great deal of hands on opportunities that gives visitors a closer look into the exhibits. The displays are so detailed and realistic, it is unbelievable. The fossil exhibit specifically allowed me to explore the evolution of life and understand the creations of life in general. The fossil exhibits help put things in order and encourage new insight and perspective on the matter. I loved being able to see all the fossils, read about them, and have a sculpture showing what the organism actually looked like. It left me in awe and I often ignore the fact that there were thousands of species coexisting long before we came into the picture. It gives us a better idea as to how it all started, what came before us, and how our actions have an impact on what we leave behind. The museum does such a good job at balancing education and excitement. I loved that everything you could possibly need to know was written on display. It made the exhibits more enjoyable because you were given all the information needed to leave with a better understanding; there wasn't any information left out. Be able to actual go through and learn about the fossils and study them up close and in person creates a deeper connection between humans and the raw creations of the natural world.

Created By
Sherridon Dressel

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