As a youth, I dreamed to be a superhero. In my dream, I could run faster, jump higher and farther, and could climb to astounding heights. I had unsurmountable strength and was able to look at people and know what they were thinking - knew what they wanted - knew what they needed. I was always in the right place....at the right time....to help those that needed my strength....needed my special abilities....that needed to be rescued.

Then came adulthood, and tragedy dashed every corner of my life. I did not get to attend college right after high school; my first marriage crumbled beneath the deceit and abuse by my spouse; my children were born with life threatening complications; my present spouse became disabled and could no longer support our family. I felt hopeless, defeated, abandoned.......I felt the need to be rescued.

At an age when most have been firmly planted in their careers for quite some time, I graduated college. Then, as I sat in deep reflection of what I had accomplished, and all the twists, turns, disappointments and tragedies that had brought me to this point in my life, I came to an unmistakable realization that only but a few ever truly get to experience............

I can run faster, jump higher and farther, and can climb to astounding heights. I have unsurmountable strength and can look at people and know what they are thinking - what they want - what they need. I am in the right place....at the right time....to help those that need my strength....need my special abilities....that need to be rescued.

I am a Special Education Teacher for children with Autism. I am a Superhero.

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