Video Game Developer by: bohan yang

What does a video game developer do ?

A video game designer designs, creates, and tests games to then sell them on the market

What's the minimum length of education and certifications you need to become a Video Game Developer?

licenseYou need at least a bachelors degree in computer science, and a licence that you can get is to go to Microsoft Visual Studio Gaming Development Fundamentals and earn a licence

What are skills and quality's that you need to become a video game developer?

Some skills that you need are programing, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and good reading comprehension. Some quality's are fluency of ideas originality, problem sensitivity, and oral expression

My long term goal to be come a video game developer

I will try to learn at least 3 programming languages and try to get a job at a gaming developing companies by 2040

Some goals that will help me get to this step are

I will find a good programing language to learn and try to learn it in one year, I will take a programing class during high school for 1 year, I will take another programing language class and try to learn that in one year, I will become an intern at any gaming developing companies for 3 years, I will apply to a gaming developing companies and get a job by 2040

Here's a game about being a video game developer


Created with images by quakeboy - "android tv game controller game controller video" • Olichel - "graduation grads cap" • Yuan-Hao Chiang - "GDC 2008 / San Francisco" • markusspiske - "code programming programming language"

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