Levels of Government

The United States of America is a nation of staggering natural, geological, and cultural diversity. Occupying the middle portion of the North American.The most populated city in the US is New York City, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago.The US consumes more petroleum than any other country in the world. The US is a diverse country with a multicultural society.The US has the world's largest economy.

State Government

the government is in charge of many aspects of daily life, including printing and regulating money, enforcing laws and managing trade both foreign and domestic. The government is also in charge of creating infrastructure, or the system of public works that enable people to live their lives.The government is often broken up into separate branches in order to best do its job. These branches help the government manage work loads and function more efficiently.


Created with images by Yosika ( happyholiday.travel ) - "Beautiful sunrise in the valley of San Quirico d Orcia" • Unsplash - "earth lights environment" • vasile23 - "Map Tiscali"

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