Portrait Of..... Created BY: daniel garcia

This page is put together by the ideas and imagination that my mind portrays when it hears 10 specific words:

  1. Strength
  2. Courage/Brave
  3. Faith
  4. Hope
  5. Love
  6. The Future
  7. The Past
  8. Belief
  9. Happiness
  10. Sadness


To me this photo is the definition of strength. The man portrayed in this photo is one who I admire and aspire to be. He has strength and comprehension beyond compare. This is my dad and his strength is infinite.


This photo is one that holds symbolic importance in it's own nature. The hundreds of students who go to Teague have faith that one day this small town will lead them to greatness and this flag is shown to portray the faith that lies in all of their hearts. This flag is what truly shows the faith that we have released.

Also this is the black and white photo with a pop of color. Just to make it clear.


To me this photo gives me hope that the whole world could become as beautiful as this. This shows me that there is still beauty in this world and it gives the hope we need to change it.


This photo shows a good definition of love. To me love is a bond of companionship between things. This photo portrays the inseparable bond between a boy and his 3 dogs. Do you really need more than that?

The Future

This photo may not look like it, but to me it portrays the future of people very clearly. As you travel through life you may get dirty and progress forward slowly, but at the end there will always be a light to welcome you to a bright future.

The Past

This photo reminds me of the past because long ago our world was filled with more beauty than it has now. The river may also be a symbol for that as well. In the past they progressed forward but there were always obstacles making them go different directions. In the end they ended up in something bigger than they could have ever imagined ,just like a river's long journey into an ocean.


To me, this photo portrays the belief that Christians hold toward God. As you can see there is an angel and only those who believe in God have belief in angels. They are the servants of Heaven ,where we aspire to be. This image of angels, to me, portrays the belief we have towards God.


This photo was a time that my family and I went on a trip together. It was one of the happiest times in my life. It was a true trip that allowed me to achieve great happiness.


To me, this photo is both sad and happy, but it portrays a more depressing case. This was a time that we went to visit our dead relatives in Mexico and we took flowers to show the appreciation we held towards their life. This photo portrays black and white to show the sad emotions we held and to show how much it meant to us.


This photo may not look like it, but it really represents courage to me. Despite it being edited, all those people in that photo are my cousins from Mexico and to me they are the bravest people that I have ever met. They have lives that hold 10 times more difficulty than mine, yet they still stand strong and they have the courage to back it up. Also, this was the only photo I had because I accidentally deleted the other ones, so don't pay attention to the editing that I could not remove since it was done on my phone.

This photo grid presents the photos shown above except these are in their full entirety:

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