Geoff and Michelle Mission Update - November 2016

Jesus Care Centre

So the vision has finally happened, the computer and homework centre is near completion, we in awe. We are in awe of Gods goodness, in awe of all the hard work Valencia has put into the vision, in awe of the impact this computer and homework centre will have on the community, particularly on the children. We are in awe of the work that was done by some volunteers who helped make this happen, Johnny Beggs, a businessman who paid to have the container moved into the centre.

So many awesome people doing this for God. They get a living allowance every month, not a salary, but still they continue on in the good work knowing God will provide for all their needs.

Owen our Teacher


Small beginnings, great impact. We finally have our school teacher living at the centre. Apart from assisting the High School students with their end of year exam preparations , he is assisting with the painting, fixing and volunteering his time to help out with getting the classroom ready.

So here's to educating and spiritually impacting our community through this awesome Jesus Care Centre and Merry Christmas. Can't believe Jesus is already another year older and probably doesn't have a wrinkle to show for it.

The Farm

We have just finished helping out at the farm. The owners have now returned and are rebuilding their lives and their family. Please keep them in your prayers also.


Geoff finished his time in Uganda with a week of teaching on Worldview and some Leadership Training for the YWAM Kampala Base staff.

Leadership Training

He had an amazing time in both Soroti and Kampala and has already been asked to teach again next year on the Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) which starts in February 2017.

More Training

Geoff returned to Durban and went straight into another week of teaching with the DTS in Durban on Making Jesus Lord.

Students and Staff of the YWAM Durban DTS

The students were eager to learn and God did an amazing work our lives.

Durban DTS

The DTS in Durban are just about to head out on outreach. They will be doing a road trip to 12 different locations throughout South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Administration and IT.

You know what they say, the job is not finished until the paperwork is done.

Geoff has been busy pursuing the registration of Academy of the Nations Durban and upgrading the YWAM Computers.

Prayer points

To all who have prayed for us, thank you, thank you for the protection and favour we have had over our lives and the ministry through your prayer. For breakthrough when we thought we were hitting brick walls, for divine intervention when we needed it in a hurry. Thank you for thinking about us, for praying for us.

Please prayer for:

Jesus Care Centre/Computer and Homework Centre

A new Burlington vehicle (Our truck to wearing out)

Continued support for families and education

Continued support for life skills and leadership training with World Changers Academy

Increased personal support Geoff, Michelle, Owen and Valencia

How to Support us

If anyone would like to contribute to a very expensive month coming up, that would be awesome. We would love to give the volunteers extra support for Christmas and holidays.

For the supporters who have financially contributed to our ministry, thank you. Your financial support has taken us to year 10 of being in Burlington and assisting other ministries where we can. Geoff teaching, myself helping families, Burlington and animals. Everything we have done has eternal rewards for you, you don't see it all, where every penny goes, but we do.

Please Help by supporting us.

If you feel lead to give, please use the below information and confirm with us so that we may follow through with the details. Thank you for your partnership.

Defence Bank

Cuscal Limited

1 Margaret Street

Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Name: G. Kingsford

Account: 48337

Branch: 803205


Reference: Missions


Standard Bank

Inanda Road, Hillcrest 3610

Name: MJ Kingsford

Account: 250803267

Branch: 045726


Reference: Missions

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