Sats Dirt Goes Digital

My Inspiration

When I first saw this I thought to myself, I have never made a jug yet. So why not make a large one. Also, the whale image had reminded my of my favorite Pokémon Kyogre. When first beginning, I had wanted to do everything exactly. I thought that would be easy. When I finished creating and perfecting the center of the jug, I had realized that I had to improvise due to the clay hardening.

First, I had rolled out my clay in its plastic stage. Clay in its plastic stage is flacid and is used for basic construction. I used the wood sticks to maintain a consistent level and the roller to roll out the clay. The purpose of this is to make sure that a slab can be rolled out.

Next I used this template in order to create a bowl. This bowl will become the bottom of this jug. Another bowl will be created the same exact way and be part of the top.

I placed my bowl template under the rolled out clay and started to trim it, so the bowl could be cut out. After the bowl was cut out I used a heat gun so it would become more leatherhard. Leatherhard is when you can start doing serious construction.

I rollled out another slab of clay and used this template to create a cylinder that would serve to be used as the middle of the jug.

I used the technique of slipping and scoring and attached the bowl to the cylinder. This had to be my favorite step in the creation process due to how you can fix mistakes and attach parts to what you're making. The sight of accidentally messing up and knowing that I can fix it is relieving.

At this point my project started to become bone dry, so I had to improvise. Bone dry is when its completely ready to be fired and it's completely dry. I decided to make the designs when it's going to be glazed rather than carving it in due to the risk of cracks being created. After this process, the project was ready to be put into the kiln.

Now my jug is in bisque form. This is where I smoothed it out with sand paper and then rinsed it out. I had some fun here. Glazing is where I had to illistrate on what I was actually doing. The colors that were chosen were supposed to imitate of that of the Pokémon Kyogre.

Now this is my finished project fired and now it's become glazeware. This is when your ceramic pierce is finished. I feel as though my project was successful. It pushed me to do something that I thought I would have been to lazy to do and it mentally challenged me because I have a small patience to anything that takes time.

Looking back, I have realized that there were things I could've done differently. I wish that I had done this faster so my project wouldn't have went bone dry so fast. Also, if I had planned more I would've had had less mistakes in the creation process.

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