The Novice Advantage and Transfer Reading Discussion

Bransford does not wish to overwhelm potential teachers with the idea that instruction walks a tight rope between sucess or failure; he wants us to see that practices like the Four Rs, coupled with a PLN, are essential in order to recognize where we have succeeded, and where we need improvement. - Kyle Trivits

how can students be expected to be flexible if their teachers are not in the ways in which they teach content? - Jenny Ruda

As beginning teachers, how can we maintain this mindset? How likely are you to be able to do this?

As is repeated in the chapter, the approach is one of an iterative process that consistently works to improve on professional self-assessment as well as assessment of the classroom’s reaction to new strategies while taking new risks and improving on former iterations of lessons. This is, essentially, a form of practice supported by Bransford et. al. – “kinds of practice that are important and take learner characteristics (e.g., existing knowledge and strategies) into account” (Bransford et. al. 53). - Sam Kim

How do the 4Rs build schema? Can you use this with students?

While Bransford seemed to be more focused on equipping a teachers to help with a student’s transfer, these concepts can be applied to the teachers themselves; they too should follow these same practices in order to become an increasingly effective educator. Each stage — risk, reject/revise, and reflect — are all crucial in this problem-solving method, but good, thorough “reflection” plays a huge role in the success and effectiveness of this process. - Abby Grace

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