Theodore Roosevelt Is he CaptAin America?

Captain America and Theodore Roosevelt have many things in common. Such as being the youngest people to start their careers. Could our once beloved Teddy Roosevelt be the super soilder from the comic books?

Some of their comparisons; they were both highly respected leaders, both had history of being in war, war heroes, were part of a group or assembly, Captian America joined the Avengers and Theodore organized a cavalry called the Rough Riders, and both didn't have the strength to pull themselves away from action. Wheather you left office or pronounced dead, both came back to help their beloved country and the lives of the American people.

But of course they both have their differences; let's start with Captian America. Captain America is of course our comic book hero, he was given his super powers through an experiment, he was apart of World War 2, both of Captian America's parents died when he was young, and finally he has his very well known armor and shield.

Theodore Roosevelt on the other hand was actually our president, the time he lived in was around World War 1, made a huge impact by saving some of worlds beautiful landscapes, he worked for his "super powers" and authority, and finally he did a lot more than just being our 26th president.

Some interesting facts:

1. Captian America actually had an opportunity to become president but declined.

2. Theodore Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt during a speech but being the strong man that he was he continued his speech for 90 minutes before being checked by a doctor. (He was shot in the chest)

By: Brianna Nuss

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